Peabody Family Voice: a union of Peabody and Family Mosaic tenants and residents
- having problem with repairs or the general state of your home?
- finding it hard to communicate with Peabody and Family Mosaic?
- worried about rent increases?
- concerned about Peabody and Family Mosaic selling off our homes, or other powers under the 2016 Housing Act?
- worried that the amalgamation between Peabody and Family Mosaic will make the problems worse?
We are organising Peabody and Family Mosaic tenants and residents to defend social housing and demand that the Housing Association improves the way it treats us.
If we come together we CAN make Peabody and Family Mosaic listen to us.
People all around the country are successfully organising to improve their housing conditions.
JOIN US so we can establish a true and lasting change!
Contact us at